Get the 2nd issue of PMU International Magazine right now!Inside you will find:- Interviews with PMU stars: Florence Wong, Mary Ritcherson, Jody Lea, Rebecca Chung, Teryn Darling, Miriam Grice, Solvar Hegge;- Special Project: "Male perspective on female beauty", starring: Ennio Orsini, Alan Spadone, Matteo Perazzi, Moshe Alul, Sviatoslav Otchenash, Toni Belfato, Wiil Antony, Alexander Sivak- Special Project: "How to create perfect red lips" with guest stars: Tunde Mehn, Elena Nikora, Esther Lemmens, Aleksandra Gorecka;- Exclusives with Lorena Oberg, Alina Soloveva, Victoria Tomashivskaya, Julia Chebotareva, Sharona Vanunu Vann, Anna Dermo and Larisa Volkova;- "Gallery of Artists" feauturing Ennio Orsini, Julia Chebotareva, Valentina Tecchio, Roman Kuznetsov (tattoo);Useful articles about PMU equipment, pigments and a lot more.